Celia's Blog - 4 February 2023

We are coming up to the Full Moon in Leo (Sun in Aquarius) tomorrow!

We can already feel the expansive and Fiery energy of Leo, and of course some Royal Star Lions around (here for the Aquarius Gate gig).

The Star Lions are fiery guardians and protectors of Sacred Space in our Galaxy.

At this time we may feel our inner Lion and Power as some things that happen may want to make us roar with frustration. But remember also the gentle maiden who is the inner Divine Feminine in her Maiden aspect. She has great strength and courage, but she expresses herself in a gentle way.

Remember to be kind and loving at this Full Moon, and especially with yourself. Protect your Sacred Space but be gentle and clear with others.

Have a warm and expansive Full Moon everyone!

Image: “The Maiden’s Courage” by Autumn Skye

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