Celia's Blog - 27 April 2023

Such powerful energies flowing as the 2/11 flow settles in and Sacred Earth returns.

The 2/11 flow is the energy of the Divine Feminine, the Sophia Christos/Magdalene energy that is the basis for the New Earth quantum flow. Its colors are Gold, Pink and Green and it includes the Emerald Codes that are pouring in right now.

This image of Stonehenge was taken a few days ago, and it shows the Aurora has moved as far south as Stonehenge. It also shows the powerful energy flows and colors that indicate that Stonehenge is powerfully radiating the codes and energies of the New Earth.

As we move towards the 5/5 and the Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio on the 5th of May, we celebrate the return of Sacred Earth.

This is an Earth infused with Divine Energies and alive with the creative power of Source.

It is an Earth that is loved and respected for its Magic and its Miracles.

It is an Earth filled with Love and Compassion and joy!

Welcome New Earth citizens to the Sacred Earth!

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