Celia's Blog - 30 January 2024

With just two days to go to the 2/2 Aquarius Gate, we can feel the energy lifting and the Earth and Water Magic is strong.

I am sharing here some of the magic in my life recently.

A beautiful Orca in the bay (also seen in the main image above). That is a rare privilege and a powerful energy for the Aquarius Gate.

Then a brilliant double rainbow with gold and pink for the Divine Feminine Christ Light.

And then a large hairy visitor Baboon that wanted to see what was going on in my house!

Life is so beautiful and magical when you know where to look and you are open to the messages and love of Nature.

In these two coming days be open to the Magic and Sacred Nature of All life on Earth, and be aware that as the New Earth grounds and manifests we will have more of these magical experiences.

Love and Blessings to All.

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