Celia's Blog - 6 February 2024

Right now, the energies are just crazy and intense. Mostly because the Sun is covered in sunspots that are popping off M Class flares and a CME expected today or tomorrow.

Even seasoned veterans of the ascension process are feeling the effects.

Most strong are head symptoms such as headaches and migraines, and in my case a blocked ear.

Also, muscular pain and nausea and dizziness.

This is why Archangel Michael calls for “extreme” self-care. This means putting yourself first and getting as much rest and quiet time as you can.

Stay hydrated and spend time in nature if you can.

Work with whatever healing modalities work for you. I am using Homeopathy and Essential Oil Blends as recommended by Mary Magdalene from her Flower Garden.

After the 2/2 Portal, we are moving towards the 3/3, the Equinox and the big Eclipse in April.

So much is happening on all levels.

Hang in there.

We got this!

Love and blessings to everyone!

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