Celia's Blog - 5 November 2023

As we move towards the 11/11 portal next week we are being asked to connect with the powerful energies of Water and the creative energy of the Water Bird or Phoenix.

The Water Phoenix is the second phase of the Phoenix energy. After the fiery self-combustion phase, the Water phase is where the Creative energy arises and the New cycle of Creation is enabled.

This is where we are now. It is time to rise out of the fire and destruction and begin the Water phase of Creation in the New Earth.

I am feeling this powerfully as new ideas come in and present ideas are given a new life as we enter into a time of intense creation both on the personal and planetary level.

It is a time when Simple Joy arises as we connect with nature in new and powerful ways and as we are guided by our Higher aspects to live in Love and Compassion on the higher frequencies that are now available.

Have a beautiful weekend everyone!

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