Celia's Blog - 17 September 2023

Right now, where i live in South Africa, the weather is kind of wild and water is showing its Wild face.

7Ft waves and storm surge have created scenes of destruction as water shows it cannot be contained when the energies are high.

And they are indeed high in this week before the Equinox.

With this kind of wild energy around the coast I am noticing the effects on the emotions, as I have been feeling surges of emotion too.

These surges are part of the cleansing effect of water, where it rises and washes away what is not stable so that new things can be established.

At this Equinox it is indeed time to let go of old “structures” and patterns so that new things can arise.

Have a joyful and “wild” Sunday and don’t forget to balance your inner energies so that you can stay stable and peaceful within!

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